PR NEWSWIRE: U.S. Vanadium Holding Company LLC Acquires America’s Sole High-Purity Vanadium Production Facility From Leading Russian Steel Producer
14th October 2019
PR Newswire
Restart of Operations at the Arkansas-Based Facility Will Create New Jobs and Will Allow the U.S. to Once Again Produce the Highest-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Made Anywhere in the World.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Oct. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — U.S. Vanadium Holding Company LLC (“US Vanadium”) today announced the closing of its acquisition from a leading Russian steel conglomerate of the only facility in the Americas that produces the world’s highest-purity vanadium pentoxide (“V2O5“).
The facility, located in Hot Springs, Arkansas, can produce V2O5 at the very high purity levels required by demanding applications such as maleic anhydride catalyst, bismuth vanadate pigments and vanadium redox flow batteries (“VRBs”).